The Difference Between Moral Injury and PTSD

Eligible CEU Credits
CACCF: 1 credits
MDPAC: 1 credits
CCPA: 1 credits
CVRP: 1 credits
HRPA: 0 credits
CPHR BC & Yukon: 0 credits
CPHR Alberta: 0 credits
CPHR Manitoba: 0 credits
CPHR Nova Scotia: 0 credits

With Dr. Krystle Martin, B.Psych, Clinical Psychologist, Gateway recovery Centre

Statistical analysis revealed that over 65% of Canadian Armed Forces members reported exposure to at least one event that would be considered a potentially morally injurious events (PMIE). Moral injury results from a single or repeated transgressions of an individual’s deeply held moral beliefs and expectations. This can be due to actions that a person performs, witnesses, or fails to prevent, often in connection with one’s professional duty. The consequence for this conflict in moral standards is lasting psychological, social, and spiritual harm. Moral injury is frequently mischaracterized. In combat veterans it is diagnosed as post-traumatic stress; among physicians it’s portrayed as burnout. Join Dr. Krystle Martin, Clinical Psychologist at Gateway Recovery Centre, and she explains the defining traits of both moral injury and PTSD in depth.


  • Define moral distress/injury
  • Explore the latest research examining the concept of moral injury
  • Identify factors/strategies that can support recovery from moral injury
  • Understand the similarities and differences between moral injury and PTSD

Date: July 13, 2023 – 12pm ET, 9am PT

Duration: 1-hour (45-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A)


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The content presented in this webinar was accurate at time of broadcast.